Why do cucumbers die in a greenhouse after planting? Why do cucumber seedlings disappear?

Why do cucumbers die in a greenhouse? This question worries many summer residents, not only beginners, but also experienced ones. This problem can arise even when the plant has begun to grow well and produce a large number of fruits. The thing is that growing cucumbers, like any other cultivated plants, requires a special approach, and this applies to each variety of this vegetable. In addition, there are various kinds of pests and diseases that attack the root system of the plant, which causes the death of its fruits and the plant as a whole.

However, the most common cause of death of cucumber seedlings is improper temperature control in the greenhouse itself, as a result of which the plants wither and soon die. Therefore, before you start growing cucumbers, you need to properly equip the greenhouse itself in order to avoid further troubles caused by an inappropriate microclimate in it.

What needs to be done for the normal development of cucumber seedlings? First of all, you need to start with tillage. Properly cultivated soil is the first and most important basis for the quality of the future harvest. The soil in the greenhouse needs to be cleared of weeds and dug up, while fertilizing it. This procedure is necessary in order to enrich the soil with microelements that will nourish the planted seedlings, as a result of which the cucumbers will bear fruit well. After this, you can fumigate the soil, which is a complete disinfection of the space in the greenhouse.

This action will help get rid of any harmful microorganisms that can adversely affect the development of cucumbers and their further fruitfulness. To carry out disinfection, kerosene and lump sulfur need to be poured into an iron container and these substances should be set on fire. At the same time, in order to achieve the desired effect, all cracks and holes in the greenhouse must be well sealed. In addition, good fruiting of cucumbers depends on the optimal temperature that must be maintained in the greenhouse, and on the lighting of the greenhouse itself. These parameters are selected individually for each variety of a given vegetable.

Diseases of cucumbers in a greenhouse (video)

Pests and diseases that adversely affect the plant

The most common types of pests on cucumbers include melon aphid and greenhouse whitefly. They are capable of eating away the root system of the plant and its leaves.

These pests can be controlled using various chemicals and more affordable folk methods.

For example, get rid of annoying whiteflies You can use a piece of thick cardboard or plywood, painted yellow, which is then lubricated with a sticky substance. The thing is that this pest is attracted to the color yellow, as a result of which they fall into a trap. You can get rid of aphids using a special garlic solution, which is sprayed on the affected plant.

The diseases that most often affect cucumbers include peronosporosis (downy mildew), various root rots, powdery mildew and gray mold. Downy mildew in most cases is observed in cucumbers already during fruit ripening. The disease manifests itself in the form of small green spots that appear on the leaves of the plant. Over time, the spots increase significantly and the leaves turn brown, as a result of which the plant stops bearing fruit and dries out. The occurrence of downy mildew is associated with the presence of fungal organisms in the soil, which multiply intensively when cucumbers are watered with cool water and too much air humidity is required in the greenhouse.

Rot of the root system of cucumbers occurs due to the fact that the plant is watered with water at too low a temperature. Rot can also appear when cucumber seedlings are planted incorrectly, in particular when they are buried too deeply in the soil. This disease is characterized by yellowing and cracking of the plant stem, as well as premature drying of the leaves.

Powdery mildew is a disease that affects cucumber leaves. As a result, round white spots form on their surface. After some time, they merge and enlarge, after which the leaves acquire a yellow or light tint, which leads to the death of the plant.

gray rot is a disease that causes gray spots on the leaves of cucumbers and their stems. The disease occurs as a result of severe freezing of the soil at night and insufficient ventilation of the greenhouse.

Common varieties of greenhouse cucumbers

Among the variety of cucumber varieties for greenhouses, the early varieties of this plant, which also include various cucumber hybrids, are considered to be among the most productive. These include:

  1. Suomi F1. It is well resistant to cold climates and various diseases. In addition, ripe fruits of this variety cannot outgrow, since their growth is limited.
  2. Sarovsky F1. This variety does well in greenhouses with insufficient light and low temperatures.
  3. Hybrid Valaam. It is distinguished by its cold resistance and can be grown in greenhouses in the northern regions. The variety has limited fruit growth and a fairly significant fruiting period, which ends with the onset of severe frosts.

In addition to greenhouse cucumbers, which have regular sizes, there are also varieties such as gherkins. These hybrid varieties differ from others in the small size of their fruits. The most common ones are Conrad, Alex, Moth and Enchanter.

Cucumbers: signs of disease (video)

Cucumbers, like any other plant, require proper care and compliance with a lot of nuances necessary for the proper development of its fruits, from the processing and planting of seedlings to the climate in the greenhouse and the presence of various pests.

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Today, most species and hybrids of cucumbers are bee-pollinated.

But it often happens that pollinating insects cannot pollinate the plant. In most cases, this happens in closed rearing conditions, for example, in greenhouses or greenhouses.

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse - formation


Maxim Orekhov writes: there you have tomatoes with curled leaves, tell me what kind of sore this is, otherwise I have the same thing

Nurbek Bakytuly

Alihan Zakaev writes: hello

zumba6359 writes: Did you make the greenhouse yourself? Make a review video to see how it was made.


A very common cause is a lack of all essential nutrients in the soil. The fact is that for the formation of a fruit from the ovary, a lot of a substance such as potassium is consumed from the soil.

If there is not enough of it in the ground, then the ovary cannot properly set and produce a harvest.

Cucumbers in greenhouses (first joint)


Rodion Rodionov writes: High beds will eliminate this problem

Nina Bessudnova writes: Well done!!!

Sabyr Ulaliev writes: good afternoon, do you also grow in winter, if so, can you make a video about heating, thank you

1463Max writes: respect

Pavel Kore writes: please tell me, in my greenhouse the cucumber stems are breaking and withering. The cucumbers have 4-5 leaves. It’s as if they were crushed. There is no mold. What could this be and how to treat them? Thanks in advance

Often, the ovaries turn yellow when there is a small amount of nutrients in the soil that is present in the greenhouse. For fruit formation, cucumbers first need potassium. If it is not in the soil, then the ovaries turn yellow very quickly. Ultimately, the question of why cucumber ovaries turn yellow in a greenhouse and the lack of understanding of what to do in this case become quite understandable.

Cucumbers also need nitrogen for normal development. Without these components, you should not wait for the development of cucumbers in the greenhouse. When the ovaries turn yellow, the problem may be due to soil depletion.

Why not then start improving the fertility of the soil present in the greenhouse. Cucumbers will need feeding.

In a situation where the ovaries turn yellow, the easiest way is to supply the soil with tree resin. It contains especially a lot of potassium. You can also get rid of the danger of yellowing of the ovaries if you supply the soil with urea, which contains a lot of nitrogen. Alternatively, you can make the soil more fertile using droppings.

Chicken or cow.

How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse


Nurbek Bakytuly writes: hello. How many kg does one cucumber bush give?

Nurbek Bakytuly writes: hello. How many kg does one cucumber bush give?

What remains at the bottom of the bucket is an excellent material for processing frames. Another method in which lime components are present is to sprinkle dry lime powder on the beds at a rate of 50 g per 0.5 m. Such methods are guaranteed to lead to the destruction of fungi, bacterial and mold microorganisms, and various types of mites. In specialized stores you can purchase preparations for such processing methods.

All the methods described above indicate that a big mistake can be made when planting cucumbers in a greenhouse if the soil is not updated.

With all this, the fruitfulness of the crop next year will be under threat. It’s better not to be lazy and, after processing, prepare the soil in the greenhouse in advance. Accumulating microbes and bacteria contribute to the development of various fungal diseases, such as downy mildew. It affects seedlings, and in subsequent years there will be no harvest if measures are not taken to clean the soil.

For example, because of it, green plants (4-6 pieces) become distorted and dry out as soon as they are set.

Choosing a greenhouse can be complicated by the fact that popular models are often counterfeited. Unscrupulous manufacturers often use thin metal and low-quality “handicraft” painting. When buying Kremlevskaya, make sure that the packaging contains the logos of the New Forms plant. You can also purchase a greenhouse directly from the manufacturer on the official website: http://www.neoform.su/

Cucumbers in a greenhouse in July. Basic work.(07/10/16)


Elena writes: I admire you! Health to you, Julia and all the best! Your videos are very useful! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Galina Vikhlyaeva writes: And what other microelements should I feed?

Svetlana Torkinskaya writes: Julia, hello. How do you fight ants and aphids on cucumbers?

Elena Alex writes: Julia, you are a hard worker. Health and strength to you

Valentina Pyatkova writes: Hello, Julia! Haven't seen you for a long time

Appearing more than 6 thousand years ago, cucumber is still one of the favorite crops of gardeners. This fruit not only tastes good, but also has wide medicinal uses and dietary properties.

Cucumbers are easily absorbed by the body, regulate intestinal function and remove excess cholesterol. And thanks to the presence of potassium, they improve the functioning of the heart and kidneys. Cucumbers are grown in almost every garden.

However, they require special care, and if something is not followed, they begin to turn yellow. Therefore, today in our article we will tell you why cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse and what needs to be done to avoid this.

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow?

Diseases and insects are two reasons why cucumber leaves turn yellow. Diseases are a consequence of non-compliance with optimal conditions for growing cucumbers. To avoid them, it is necessary to properly water and fertilize the plants and avoid temperature changes.

However, the “chemical” fruits collected during this period will have to be thrown away. If a plant suddenly wilts, it must be completely removed, and along with it the contaminated soil from the hole where it grew.

How to water cucumbers correctly?

One of the main reasons why cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse is irregular watering and the use of cold water. If you want your cucumbers to grow healthy, water them properly. It is important that the soil of the cucumbers is always moist, but under no circumstances turn it into slush.

Water for irrigation should be settled and heated in the sun. In hot weather, watering should be daily, in the evening, followed by careful loosening of the soil. If it gets cold at night, watering should be done in the morning.

How to properly feed cucumbers?

At the beginning of the growing season, the cucumber needs more nitrogen, during the period of loop growth - potassium, during fruiting and the appearance of new growths, nitrogen is again required. Therefore, improper feeding may be another reason why cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow.

The main thing is to remember: the plants require little, but proper feeding. Cucumbers have weak roots that are not able to penetrate deeper than 20 cm, so the plants are especially sensitive to the properties of the soil. Fertilize it with manure, rotted garbage, straw, peat or sawdust.

Enrich the compost with nitrogen and apply fertilizer locally. Do not forget about mineral fertilizers. During the summer, you need to properly feed cucumbers no more than 5 times. The first feeding is carried out at the beginning of flowering. The next four are during the fruiting period.

Chicken manure and mullein are used, but they can also be replaced with ready-made fertilizers. When warming replaces a long cold spell, greenhouse cucumbers need ammonium nitrate. Cucumbers are fed by placing fertilizer in the furrows, after which they are watered. During low temperatures, the plant is supported by foliar feeding.

Cucumbers love warmth

When choosing a place to plant cucumbers, you need to be guided by such a factor as the absence of a draft. Since drafts and sudden changes in temperature can cause cucumber leaves to turn yellow. You can open the greenhouse only when the temperature inside exceeds 30°C.

Moreover, you need to open the doors on each side one by one. By opening on both sides at once, you will allow a draft to appear.

How to get rid of pests on cucumbers?

There are quite a lot of insect pests that cause cucumbers to turn yellow in a greenhouse. This includes the sprout fly, the cucumber gnat, aphids, and spider mites.

All these insects or their larvae feed on the leaves, stems and fruits of cucumbers, which inevitably leads to drying out and death of the plant. To get rid of them and preserve the plant and harvest, it is necessary to choose the right pest control product. But do not forget - after treating the plant with one drug or another, all grown fruits must be removed and thrown away. It is extremely unsafe to eat cucumbers that have been exposed to drops of pest control products.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 1:36 pm Which cucumbers are better - bee-pollinated or self-pollinated? Good advice from agronomist Anatoly Osikhov. - It all depends on what capabilities the gardener has.

If, for example, he has a plot where there are problems with insects or, for example, there is too much heat and there are fewer insects, then it is better to use self-pollinating ones, they give a guaranteed harvest. But if there are no problems with insects, then you can plant both bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic varieties, you will still have a good harvest.

In general, they are quite similar in yield and have similar yields. Good modern varieties can produce a yield of up to 20 kg per square meter.

But I would not recommend planting cucumber varieties, this is somewhat of the last century, they may be tasty in some places, maybe in some places many of them are better at pickling, but they have one big problem. At first they produce mostly male flowers.

And the male flowers are so saturated, there are so many of them that they take a lot of nutrition from the roots of the plant, so a lot of time passes before the female ovaries are formed, which will be fertilized and produce cucumbers. If you have already planted varieties, then it is advisable to pick off the male flowers at the initial stage of development and allow the plant to develop.

Male flowers take up a lot of nutrition. Don't forget that the mustache also takes away nutrition. The plant takes longer to develop, enters the fruiting stage much later, and you lose about 10-15 days in terms of ripening. Which is important for cucumbers.

1. low temperatures. This summer cannot be called warm, so it is possible that the cucumbers do not have enough night temperatures to start filling the cucumbers.

Since your plants “live” in a greenhouse, this is most likely not the case, but to be sure, you should hang a thermometer and see what the temperature is in the greenhouse at night. It is most convenient to do this early in the morning.

If the temperature drops below 19°C, you should close the greenhouse earlier in the evening and open later in the morning. 2. plants are not formed. Plants in a greenhouse require shaping.

If plants are not grown in greenhouses, yields can be significantly reduced due to plant suppression caused by thickening, shading and the appearance of stem rot. In addition, it will be inconvenient to care for plants and harvest.

For most hybrids, a significant part of the harvest is formed on the main vine. To maintain a favorable relationship between the vegetative and generative parts, plants are formed into 1 stem. Why do cucumber ovaries fall off in a greenhouse?

Most likely, this is due to a malnutrition of the plant. Cucumber has very large leaves. They evaporate a lot of water, and the crop has to be watered frequently. At the same time, quickly soluble elements of nitrogen and potassium are washed out from the soil into the lower layers.

Potassium starvation of plants is one of the reasons for the fall of the ovaries. They also fall off at low air and soil temperatures, especially in parthenocarpic hybrids, in which the absorption of nutrients decreases at temperatures below +14-15°C.

Low temperatures at night are especially dangerous. If it is below +15°C, the growth of ovaries is sharply inhibited. At higher air temperatures (above +35°C), the pollen of bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids becomes sterile.

Plants may bloom, but not bear fruit. Their fall can also occur with a lack of light, if the planting is thickened. At the same time, it is difficult for bees to get to the flowers.

Trim off excess shoots or pinch them. Regularly, every 10-12 days, feed the plants. On cold nights, cover them earlier. Some gardeners pour water into plastic containers and place them along the edges of the beds.

During the day they are heated by the sun, and at night they give off heat. It is necessary to pinch off the central lash at the point of growth; cut it off with scissors. There are cucumbers on the side lashes.

If the plant does not have enough power for normal fruit formation, then there are not enough minerals in the soil for fruit formation. Large temperature difference between night and day. Poor pollination.

And there are other reasons: watering with cold water, as well as during the growth period, the cucumbers suffered a shock - a cold night temperature of plus 8 and below. Try spraying the leaves with Ovary, Bud and others. Fluff stove ash under the roots.

Place a lid with honey on the ground next to the cucumbers to attract bees to the area. Why do the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse? The first answer to the question: “why do the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow?” there will be a lack of moisture.

Everyone needs water, especially fruit plants, which, when there is a lack of water, begin to save it and to do this, shed their leaves, and before the leaf falls, it turns yellow due to the fact that the plant begins to pull magnesium from the leaf and redirect it to the stem and roots. Many summer residents make mistakes when watering cucumbers: - or water little and often, believing that this way the plants receive moisture better.

But in fact, with small and frequent watering, the moisture does not reach the roots deep, but is distributed in the soil. The plant begins to adapt, and the roots rise higher, where in strong sun they overheat and are also damaged when loosened; - or water a lot, but rarely.

It turns out: at some point the crop is flooded with water, but during hot summers, the water quickly disappears and as a result the plant does not receive the necessary moisture or the roots begin to rot. It is very important to properly organize watering of cucumbers so that the fruits are undeformed and tasty, and the leaves are green.

The norm for watering cucumbers is about 25 liters per plant with two waterings per week. You also need to test the soil for moisture, periodically take a piece of soil from a depth of ten centimeters and squeeze it in your hand, determining whether the soil is wet or not, in order to avoid overwatering or underwatering.

How to properly shape a salad cucumber plant For a harmonious relationship between the processes of shoot formation and fruit set, cucumber plants of all varieties require shaping.

To do this, on the lower part of the main stem (60 cm above the soil level), the growing points of the side shoots are pinched and all flower primordia are removed. The main stem needs to be tied to a support - this can be a rope attached to the ceiling of the greenhouse (see picture).

As soon as the stem reaches the end of the support, you need to pinch its top. As the cucumber grows, regularly shorten the side shoots by 2-6 leaves.

In addition, among the ovaries formed in the axils of the leaves, leave only one small cucumber and pick off the rest. Tip: on hot days, water the plants generously to increase the air humidity in the greenhouse (the optimal figure is 60%), otherwise the cucumbers will begin to shed their ovaries.

Important: each plant needs 1.5–3 liters of water daily in summer (how much to water the plants depends on whether it is a sunny or cloudy day). It is advisable to water in the late afternoon and apply liquid fertilizer once a week.

If the leaves turn yellow or brown, this may indicate that the cucumbers do not have enough magnesium. Measures: spraying plants with magnesium sulfate. How to fight aphids on cucumbers

Aphids appear on cucumbers in July-August. These are insects one and a half to two millimeters in size, dark green or black. Aphids feed on plant sap.

Due to her fault, the leaves of the plant curl, and the flowers and ovaries fall off. Colonies are located on the plant in dozens, hundreds and even thousands. Sometimes all the leaves can be covered with these cucumber pests.

If there are a lot of insects, the affected plant becomes exhausted and dies. Ladybugs help reduce the number of aphids. You just have to bring them in the spring from the field grasses.

They are attracted to mustard greens and dill. You can treat the plants with tobacco infusion or wood ash infusion with the addition of laundry soap. Infusions of onion and garlic also help against this insect.

Seventy to ninety grams of onion or forty to sixty grams of garlic should be finely crushed and poured with ten liters of warm water. After a day, you can treat cucumbers with this infusion. Mites on cucumbers are a common problem around the world.

Vegetables especially suffer from it in greenhouses or under polyethylene. The mite attaches itself to the bottom of the leaf and drinks the sap of the plant. In addition, the leaf is covered with cobwebs. As a result, the once healthy and green leaf loses its color and dies.

They fight it by spraying. The required solution can be purchased at the store. If this is not possible, then you can treat the leaves with a soap solution.

You can populate a cucumber plantation with a natural enemy of the insect - phytoseiulus. It sucks the eggs that are laid by females. But it is necessary to check in every two to three weeks. Infestation with the fungus Entomophthora adjara will also help solve the problem.

Each female is capable of laying up to hundreds of eggs per week. After twenty to thirty days, the eggs grow and infect the vegetable beds. In addition, infusions of yarrow, celandine, dandelion and horse sorrel work well against insects.

The root-knot nematode is a worm-like pest of cucumber. It is a very common pest that affects vegetables growing in greenhouses and greenhouses. Its length is one and a half millimeters. It penetrates the roots and settles in their tissues.

The toxic substances it releases form swellings and growths. Larvae develop in them. Plants are stunted and yields are reduced.

The layer of affected soil (fifty centimeters) is replaced with healthy soil. In greenhouses and greenhouses, the soil is treated with steam. In winter, the ground can freeze.

Clean tools and healthy planting material should be used. Gray spots on cucumber leaves can be caused by a cucumber disease called gray rot.

At low night temperatures, with poor ventilation and when watering with cold water, gray spots may appear on the leaves of cucumbers, in the axils of the leaves and on the stems. These are signs of gray rot.

To prevent it from forming, it is necessary to prevent the plants from becoming too crowded, not to water them with cold water, and to ventilate the room frequently. It affects all organs - petioles, fruits, leaves, tendrils, stems.

A white coating forms on the tissues, after which they soften and rot. First, white and then black fruiting bodies appear on the affected areas. They are called sclerotia.

They are the cause of infection. Sclerotia overwinter in the soil. When the air or soil is too wet, rot will spread. The affected areas should be sprinkled with fluff lime or charcoal.

Plants are most often susceptible during the fruiting period. The formation of rot can also be caused by temperature changes and thickened plantings. It is imperative to alternate cultures.

Sprinkle stems with signs of damage with lime. The affected parts must be cut out, partially including healthy tissue. If the infection is very widespread, it is better to remove the sheets during hot hours - this way the wounds will dry out faster.

The sections are sprinkled with crushed coal or wiped with a solution of copper sulfate. Provide regular ventilation. Watering is carried out in the evening with warm water.

You can try feeding. For ten liters of water, use ten grams of urea, one gram of zinc sulfate and two grams of copper sulfate.

Why cucumber leaves turn yellow is often not so easy to understand, because there are many reasons and it seems that they all fit your case. But we have to do something, we don’t want to lose the harvest.

How to prevent yellowing of cucumber tops and what to do if the cucumber leaves have already begun to turn yellow? Let's find out now.

Why cucumber leaves turn yellow: 6 reasons

The first reason is trivial - some of the lower leaves inside the bed turn yellow and die from lack of light. This is not a cause for concern at all, it is normal.

As a rule, a cucumber bed is a real lush jungle; it is not surprising that light penetrates inside with difficulty and the lower old leaves do not have enough of it. In this case, just pick off the yellow leaves from time to time and enjoy the harvest. The second reason is a lack or excess of moisture.

In normal summers, it is recommended to water cucumbers generously two to three times a week, and in hot summers - every day, thoroughly soaking the soil. Otherwise, the roots of the cucumbers will begin to “climb” to the surface of the earth in search of moisture and may dry out.

This is a disaster for plants; both leaves and ovaries begin to turn yellow. Rainy weather is also not to the liking of cucumbers: the roots rot, rot forms on the stems, and as a result we see yellow leaves again. The third reason is fungal diseases.

Most often, fusarium, pythiosis and other fungal diseases are the cause of yellow leaves on cucumbers. First, rusty spots appear on the tops, then the leaves become completely covered in spots, dry out, and fall off.

Moreover, in the case of fusarium, the lashes become lethargic, like a rag, and do not respond to watering. If thirty-degree heat has given way to cold rains and lower night temperatures, hold on: fungi will not keep you waiting. The fourth reason is pests.

Whiteflies or spider mites suck out all the juices from cucumber leaves, as a result the leaves turn yellow and die. In this case, the recommendations are obvious: a good pest is a dead pest.

Cucumbers on the balcony

You will have to either spray the garden bed with “poison” or resort to folk remedies. The fifth reason is the lack of nutrients. The most unlikely, but still common cause of yellowing cucumber leaves.

If the edges of cucumber leaves turn yellow and dry out, they may be lacking potassium or magnesium. Dark green veins against a yellow background may signal a deficiency of iron or manganese. Yellowing of the upper leaves occurs due to a lack of copper.

Feeding will help correct this situation. And the last reason for yellow leaves is old age. Over time, the cucumber leaf becomes coarser, ages, stops photosynthesis, turns yellow and dies. Most likely, by this time you have already eaten your fill of cucumbers, and the aging lashes do not bother you.

But if you want a fresh cucumber straight from the garden before the fall, there are ways to “extend the life” of cucumber vines, and we will talk about them later.

What to do if cucumber leaves turn yellow

The best treatment for everything in the world is prevention, and yellowing of cucumber leaves is no exception. It’s easier to prevent this from happening in your garden than to treat it later. Therefore: 1. Try to maintain crop rotation.

Do not plant cucumbers in the same place from year to year, do not plant them after zucchini or pumpkin, otherwise the likelihood of “catching” a fungal disease significantly increases.2. Water your cucumbers promptly and abundantly.

If you are on the site only on weekends, take the time to mulch the beds well with weeds or mown grass. A thick layer of mulch will prevent moisture from evaporating, and will also provide the cucumber roots with additional nutrition and warmth.3.

After sprouting in the 3-4 leaf stage (and then every 10 days), spray the cucumbers with the following composition: 20 grams of laundry soap, 1 liter of milk and 30 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water.5. Another option for preventive spraying: soak a loaf of bread in a bucket of water in the evening, knead the bread in the morning and add a small bottle of iodine.

Dilute one liter of this mixture in a bucket of water and process the cucumbers. If you repeat this procedure once every two weeks, you can keep the cucumbers green until autumn.6. In June, soak the cucumbers with a soda solution (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

Then the onion peel is squeezed out, the broth is filtered and diluted in a ratio of 2:8 with water. Spray the leaves from above and below with this solution, and then spill the soil.8.

If you still can’t protect yourself and the leaves begin to turn yellow, try spraying the cucumbers with a solution of whey or kefir (2 liters per 10 liters of water). For better fruit set, you can add 150 grams of sugar to the solution.9.

When the leaves just begin to turn yellow, watering with a weak solution of potassium permanganate can help. 10. To prolong fruiting and rejuvenate aging cucumber leaves, apply foliar fertilizing with urea, while simultaneously adding humus under the roots.

There are a number of mistakes that summer residents make. Why don't cucumbers grow in a greenhouse? Despite the fact that cucumbers have been cultivated for a long time, they still require their own approach. There are actions due to which you can not only get a small harvest, but also lose it altogether. To avoid this, you should start with setting up the greenhouse itself, and only then planting vegetables.

How should the greenhouse be prepared?

Many people prefer to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse rather than in an open garden. This allows you to create artificial favorable conditions, because not everywhere the land is fertile, and the climate can let you down.

As for preparing the greenhouse, this must be done in the fall. First of all, they cultivate the land, clearing it of all kinds of debris and weeds. To do this, 10-12 cm of soil is removed from the future planting site. Any work is carried out using a set of specific tools and chemicals. In this case you will need:

  • rake and shovel;
  • copper sulfate for disinfection;
  • paint, respirator and gloves;
  • garbage bags;
  • lump sulfur and kerosene.

It has already been described above that the land in which the seeds are planted is very important for the future harvest, or more precisely, its quality. Cucumbers do not have deep enough roots, so they draw all their nutrients from the surface. Accordingly, if the soil is not updated, then over time it simply will not be able to provide vegetables with what they require from microelements in the required quantity. In addition, help is needed in the form of various fertilizers and fertilizing.

Many summer residents place the sprouts close to each other, but this is wrong. In addition, it is necessary to divide the plot into separate squares by variety. In order for cucumbers to grow and bear fruit well, you need to know what the optimal ambient temperature is for each variety, how important the flow of fresh air is for them and, of course, what the lighting in the room should be.

If the greenhouse has elements such as wooden or iron frames, then they should also be treated. For iron parts, it is necessary to cover their surface with water-based paint, and the wood is treated with vitriol. In a polycarbonate greenhouse, such work is not required. Here we immediately move on to cultivating the soil. Using a shovel, the required layer of soil is removed and placed in garbage bags to make it easier to remove from the premises.

After preparing the land, it is further dug up. This procedure allows the ground to not freeze too much in winter. And besides, frosts will help to destroy as much as possible all harmful microorganisms. At the same time, fertilizers are applied. By the way, this update should be repeated every 3-4 years so that the cucumbers bear a good harvest.

The soil is also fumigated. To do this, lump sulfur and kerosene are poured into special containers and set on fire. This procedure leads to the disinfection of the greenhouse. While the container is burning, all cracks and openings must be carefully closed; accordingly, the person must be wearing a respirator so as not to be poisoned by gases. There is a small nuance: for disinfection to take place properly, it is necessary that the temperature outside is no higher than +18°C.

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What is going wrong if the cucumbers die?

There are a number of common mistakes due to which cucumbers do not sprout or dry out.

Treating the soil with disinfectants helps destroy all harmful microbes and bacteria that accumulate in it. If you do not get rid of them, they provoke the development of peronosporosis, and this, in turn, has a detrimental effect on the seedlings. At first they grow poorly, and then the cucumbers stop bearing fruit altogether. If greens grow in a greenhouse, then from this disease they curl, although the ovary has already passed. But there will not be full maturation.

Some people cultivate the soil when the cucumbers are just planted.

This procedure must be performed very carefully. It was already noted above that the root system of this crop is located very close to the surface of the earth. Accordingly, with rough hilling there is a risk of damaging the roots.

Experienced summer residents advise planting seedlings that are already 25-35 days old. It adapts quickly enough to the new soil, so the harvest will be better. Those who prefer to plant seeds should remember that the soil must be warmed before planting. The cold will destroy the seeds and they will begin to rot.

After 4 days, the greenhouse is completely opened for ventilation. All these activities will allow you to prepare both the room and the land for cucumbers. The fact is that cucumbers do not bear fruit if they grow in conditions infected with harmful organisms.

If work with the soil begins in the spring, then in addition to all these procedures, compost is additionally added to the soil. With such preparation, you can be sure that a full harvest awaits you.

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How to plant cucumbers correctly?

It is worth knowing that between cucumber seedlings, or more precisely, between the beds, it is important to maintain a distance of at least 0.2 m. This will ensure that each sprout receives the required amount of oxygen.

Organic fertilizers are very important for cucumbers, and manure is an alternative option. But it is important that such an additive is the same in all areas. Therefore, it is worth calculating the required amount of fertilizer in advance.

Beginning summer residents should know that if they decide to grow cucumbers from seeds, then when purchasing a specific type, they should read the growing instructions on the back side. All necessary conditions are clearly indicated there. If the leaves dry out or the sprouts wither, it is quite possible that different crops were planted nearby that are not compatible with each other.

Every summer resident grows cucumbers, and it doesn’t matter whether in a greenhouse or open ground. It is more important to understand agricultural technology and not make mistakes, otherwise there will be no harvest either in the beds or in the greenhouse. Therefore, today we decided to study the main problems and mistakes when growing cucumbers.

Planting, gartering, watering and covering are far from the main points in growing cucumbers, although they are very serious. It is necessary to understand all the smallest details and favorable factors, and only then is a good harvest possible, in which each cucumber will be one to one. If you make serious mistakes, which we will talk about later, the color and ovary will dry out and crumble, and the fruits will turn yellow, lose shape, and disappear on the stem.

All problems when growing cucumbers can be prevented or solved in time, and only in this case is it possible that your efforts will not be in vain.

What difficulties might we encounter?

We would like to say right away that the signs of problems, as well as the problems themselves, in fact, can vary depending on the geographical location, climate, topography of the site, general temperature and its changes, quality and composition of the soil, as well as dozens of other factors and, naturally, your personal attitude towards cultivated plants. But let’s hope that the list of tips collected by our experts will help you at least partially solve the problems and significantly increase your yield, while at the same time bringing its quality to the required level!

Frequent cultural diseases

One of the reasons for frequent diseases of cucumbers is thick planting. In this case, the plants cannot be properly processed, interfere with each other’s development, are not ventilated, and trap many infections in the dense greenery that should have been ventilated. In addition, a very dense planting dies faster, since even if a disease or pests of cucumbers are detected on time (at least quickly), they have already spread to many plants in the garden bed or in the greenhouse.

It should be remembered that depending on the variety, there should be 2-4 plants per square meter of planting. We try to take up as much land as possible, planting cucumbers every 10-15 cm in a row, which is very wrong and leads to problems.

Insect attacks on cucumbers

Colonies of pests can ruin the crop in no time. Readers of the site who follow our news through subscription and have studied material about spider mites and other pests are well aware of this. But serious damage is also possible due to the vital activity of the cucumber mosquito and the sprout fly.

These insects can reproduce well in organic matter that fertilizes green beds. And most often they appear when fertilizers are poorly incorporated into the soil. Settling on organic fertilizers, insects lay eggs, from which larvae and adult insects develop, which then destroy the bushes and fruits themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow agricultural technology and be sure to care for cucumbers in exactly the way that experts indicate.

Yellowing of the leaf

Often cucumbers are attacked by spider mites, which we remind you about again, since the insect can very quickly destroy plantings and crops. But the manifestation here is specific, we want to pay attention to the yellowing of the leaf in spots, as if acid had dripped onto it.

Such damage can cause drying out and lethargy, and therefore improper development of the fetus itself. What's most interesting is the cause of the problem. It turns out that the culprit may be the covering that we use at the very beginning of growing cucumbers, when the bushes are in the seedling stage. Further, film cover is used to limit sunlight in hot summers, which can burn the green mass. And it is the film material that causes such burns.

We all know that cucumbers should not be watered in the heat, much less irrigated by sprinkling, as burns on the leaves are possible. But at the same time, we create problems on our own by stretching the film over the beds. By watering in the evening, we contribute to the appearance of condensation, which, collecting in drops, falls down onto the leaves. Water on the leaves and the morning sun are the cause of burns.

Poor growth of young seedlings

The reason for this is simple - the plants are crowded with stronger plants, as well as their root systems. Therefore, you should promptly remove weeds around and inside the garden bed, thereby freeing up the soil and helping to increase the consumption of nutrients from the soil, which are no longer spent on feeding weeds. In addition, planting without weeds is less dense, and therefore better ventilated and less susceptible to various diseases!

Mixed harvest

The problem can occur for many reasons, but one of the simplest is uneven harvesting. You shouldn’t wait a week to pick a bucket of cucumbers at once, you shouldn’t even wait two, because the crop loves quick harvesting, even every day. If you leave cucumbers on the bush, this will significantly reduce the rate of development of young ovaries, which will certainly affect the end result.

Harvest every day, every other day or two, but not less often, especially at the moment when active fruiting has begun!

There are a lot of similar problems, and it is simply physically impossible to describe each of them in detail. Therefore, we have focused on the most common ones, and then we want to move on to the mistakes of summer residents, due to which these problems, as well as many others, arise.

Typical mistakes when growing cucumbers in the country

We will present a little more errors, since it would be much more correct to study them and eliminate them as much as possible!

Improper ventilation of beds

Under no circumstances should you allow drafts or sudden changes in temperature in the greenhouse if you decide to ventilate the cucumbers. This should be done only when the temperature exceeds +30°C, and very carefully, opening the greenhouse on each side one by one.

Excessive watering

Cucumbers love water, but only in moderate quantities at all times. You shouldn’t dry the soil, but you also shouldn’t overwater it, because if we are talking about a greenhouse, then constant stagnation of moisture in the soil is a direct path to rot and various pests, which will be too difficult to remove from this environment!

Inept formation of bushes

If you leave planting to your own devices, this is exactly what you will get – weak and very insignificant. Therefore, try not only to water and ventilate, tie up and carefully feed the plants, but also to shape them.

Be sure to remove excess shoots by pinching them to reduce the density of the bush. This is especially necessary at first, and in the lower part of the bush. Remove axillary shoots several sheets from the soil surface, do this in the morning, while the sun is not so high.

Landing in one place

If cucumbers produce a good harvest, this is not a reason to grow them in one place for decades. No, of course, this is possible, and we will only be glad if good and rich soil can saturate the plants with nutrients. But often the soil accumulates not only positive, but also negative factors - infections, insect larvae, and so on. And, even if in the first few years the cucumbers did not get sick, then later they can be completely destroyed in the shortest possible time. Try to change the location at least once every few years.

Planting according to the calendar

The lunar calendar, holiday calendar, and other dates are not at all a reason to rely on them, because planting plants has a number of requirements, and this also applies to cucumbers. It is necessary to choose the optimal moment according to the weather, wait for the soil to warm up, and calculate the planting time so that the seedlings are not damaged by night frosts. Of course, sometimes, say, seeds planted on Maundy Thursday give excellent seedlings, but we do not recommend being tied to this date!

Planting very mature seedlings

Cucumbers planted by seedlings often show good results, but for this you do not need to overexpose the seedlings, grow them up to half a meter and immediately transfer them to open ground. There may be two negative factors at once - the seedlings will not support their weight during transplantation and are injured, or the seedlings from the apartment (greenhouse) will not have time to adapt, will not harden and will simply disappear at the first draft or frost.

Planting seeds in poor soil

Hoping for the usual chance, many summer residents practice planting in simple, poor soil. At the same time, they treat the seeds with growth stimulants, perform stratification, or otherwise prepare them for a better harvest in the future. But all this is a waste of time if cucumbers are planted in soil that is not fertilized with organic matter. If you do not have the opportunity to use organic fertilizers, look at our articles on compost and other fertilizers for the garden, with their help you can find a way out of the situation.

"Equal" to an ecological product

Why not? You always want to eat something tasty and healthy, but it won’t always grow without proper processing. Many infections, pests and diseases can be killed only by chemical means, and therefore you should either use very strong varieties and preach ideal agricultural practices, or treat the plantings as standard if you choose modern fast-growing hybrids.

Ignoring bush diseases

The leaves turned yellow - no big deal, one bush disappeared - no problem, because there are more... and so on. This is a very wrong opinion, because signs of plant disease in the garden are an alarm bell that requires immediate action. In general, triple treatment, namely preventive treatment, is considered correct, even if minor signs of disease in cucumbers have only appeared. Treat the plants according to the first leaves, just before flowering or 10 days after the first treatment, as well as two weeks before the green leaves appear.

One-time fertilizer

And again to fertilizers. We said earlier that without organic matter, growing this crop is simply unrealistic. Organic matter gradually releases nutrients and removes harmful salts from the soil. The same goes for mineral fertilizers, which cucumbers love no less. But they love it gradually and in small quantities. Therefore, you can feed the plants once every ten days by pouring a bucket of water with mineral fertilizers per square meter (1 tablespoon of complex fertilizer per 10 liters of water).

Waiting for large cucumbers

Under no circumstances should you collect large fruits, or rather, constantly wait for them. It turns out that the cucumber is a smart plant that works not for harvest, but for seeds. Therefore, if you are waiting for a large fruit on a bush, when it appears, the growth of the rest simply stops. Don't let the plant get too close to its target and you'll get a much bigger harvest!

More plants in the garden means more harvest!

This is generally a wrong principle, since each crop variety has a recommended planting density. In general, it is correct to grow only a few bushes per square meter (although at our dachas we plant seeds every 15-20 cm). See the planting instructions for each new variety and be sure to follow the recommendations!

This list of typical errors is also not complete, and many of them may be regional and directly dependent on the variety and other factors. Therefore, just try to follow agricultural practices, love the plants and provide them with the best care. It is in this case that a high-quality harvest is possible.

Mistakes and problems in growing cucumbers Even the most experienced pros have them, so don’t be upset if for the second or third year in a row you fail to reach your previously set goals. Every day you gain certain experience and learn with us, and therefore soon we will have a really serious harvest of juicy and crispy cucumbers.

Learning to grow cucumbers correctly (video)