What do zinnia seeds look like? Zinnia: photo, growing from seeds and care in open ground How to properly store planting material

Beautiful and well-groomed flowers are a special pride for the owner of the garden. But, unfortunately, the annual zinnia is a plant that has to be planted annually. On the one hand, this is an excellent opportunity to renew a long-blooming flower bed, and on the other hand, it is a constant purchase of seeds, which significantly hits your pocket. For this reason, many gardeners are thinking about trying to collect zinnia seeds at home.

The collection procedure is quite easy, but like everything, it has its own nuances. In order for seeds collected with your own hands to have 100% germination, you must act strictly according to technology, following all the rules.

What is needed to collect seeds

Before you start collecting yourself, it is important to determine which flowers are suitable for the procedure. Only healthy plants without the slightest signs of disease are suitable for this. It will be important to select large, long-blooming zinnias.

And for zinnias to fully ripen, it takes a lot of time - about 2 months. Therefore, the very first, large-blooming flowers are used to collect seed material.

Advice! By following this principle, you can grow bright and luxurious buds every year.

To obtain seedlings at home, it is important:

  1. Properly cut the buds and then dry them well.
  2. After final drying, all the petals are carefully removed from the bud and the grains are selected from the center.
  3. The seed material can again be dried again and distributed into pre-prepared, labeled bags.

Important! It is necessary to sort the collected seeds if they are collected from several plant species.

In order not to confuse or mix, for example, terry or simple zinnias, you should label all bags.

What do zinnia seeds look like?

Zinnia is an amazing plant from which you can collect seeds of different types.

The plant seed looks quite interesting. Each basket may contain grains of different sizes and shapes, which indicates the germination of different species. From such seeds, different buds always grow - both in shape and size. Therefore, if you want to plant certain plants, sorting the collected zinnia is a mandatory procedure.

Types of Zinnia Seeds

Collecting seed material is a long and painstaking procedure. And when sorting is done, the process becomes more labor-intensive. But if you imagine that soon bright buds will decorate your summer cottage, and for this you don’t need any money at all, a little work will be useful.

Shield seeds with small indentations along the edges are ordinary zinnias. Even if the seed material was collected from double flowers, this does not mean that the plant will be the same.

The spear-like grains will produce semi-double or non-double zinnia shoots. But long and elongated in shape, with a gray tongue, they will produce long-shaped flowers, which in the future will turn into huge, lush zinnias. These zinnias are usually found on the outside of the basket.

The last type, namely terry, looks much more impressive than other types. But in order to grow such buds, it is important not only to correctly collect the seed, but also to provide them with proper care.

If a gardener does not have enough time to look after his plot, the best option would be to stop growing simple or semi-double plants. They are more resistant to pathogens of various diseases and infections.

Procurement time

To collect seeds at home, you need to start the process 2-2.5 months after the flowers bloom. Such zinnias will be larger and suitable for collecting high-quality seeds.

How to collect zinnia seeds from a flower

Collecting seeds is not difficult, except for the duration of the process, but there are subtleties that are very important to consider:

  • the seed is completely ready for collection 2 months after flowering;
  • the buds that bloomed the very first are the best option for obtaining high-quality grains that give 100% germination;
  • if the collection procedure is to take place on a rainy day, the flowers must be additionally dried in a warm room, otherwise there is a high risk of rotting;
  • storage temperature should not exceed 20-25 degrees;
  • in order to properly collect the grains, it is necessary to husk them with your fingers, clearing them of the dried remains of the bud;
  • Only large and healthy grains are selected.

How to properly store planting material

It is important not only to collect the seed according to all the rules, but also to preserve it for a long time. Often, improper storage is a common mistake of novice gardeners. If you collect grains according to all the rules and are negligent about their safety, most likely they will not sprout, and if they do, weak and diseased plants will grow. Therefore, storage times and conditions play a particularly important role.

A paper bag or the same napkin is suitable for storage. It is placed in a dry, dark place where it is cool enough. You can store the seeds in the refrigerator, but the main thing is to avoid sudden changes in temperature. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that zinnia is not affected by fungal diseases.

Attention! Zinnia seeds can be stored for up to 4 years, but only in compliance with all storage rules.


To have a vibrant garden, you need to put in enough effort to maintain it properly. Collecting zinnia seeds is easy. The only difficulty is that this is a long and painstaking process that requires perseverance and care. By doing everything according to technology and choosing the right flowers to collect seed, you can enjoy a lush garden every year without additional costs.

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A very elegant plant - zinnia, which has another name - major, has long been loved by gardeners and summer residents.

I’ll share my experience and tell you how you can easily decorate a plot of zinnia - even the most inexperienced gardeners can grow it from seeds. This method is practically the only one, but it is very simple and always effective.

The beautiful zinnia can bloom all summer, right up to autumn frosts, which makes it very attractive to all lovers of bright flower arrangements in any style.

First, it’s worth briefly familiarizing yourself with some of the characteristics of an interesting flower. Firstly, zinnia is an annual plant, sometimes very tall, almost up to a meter, although there are also low-growing species. As for colors, there is a lot of variety here: almost all shades of red, yellow, white.

Secondly, frosts are destructive for zinnia; it loves warmth. For this reason, in more northern latitudes, where there may be frosts even in the first month of summer, it is better to grow it in seedlings.

It should be taken into account that it begins to bloom 2.5 months after sowing. Seeds usually always germinate well and well.

Growing seedlings

To get truly beautiful flowers, you need to try at every stage of their cultivation. Find out how to select and prepare seed material, when to start sowing, what seedlings and grown plants need.

Boarding time

There is always a desire for a flower to bloom as quickly as possible, but there is no need to rush with zinnia.

The most suitable time for the exciting moment of sowing seeds for seedlings is the second half of April; March seedlings will certainly outgrow and will take root worse when planted in the ground. In addition, there is a greater chance of damaging the young plant.

How to plant zinnia seeds

You need to get a box in advance, about 10 cm deep or more. After pouring earth into it, you should make small depressions (1 cm) and drop a seed into them.

It is desirable that the distance between the holes be within 2-3 cm. In this situation, small zinnias will develop freely before picking.

After sowing, the soil is thoroughly moistened. The box itself is covered with plastic film, which is removed after germination.


For the normal development of zinnias, its seedlings, when they grow to 10 cm, are best planted in different pots or cups. The deepening should be up to the cotyledons, this will strengthen the plant. It would be a good idea to trim the main root a couple of centimeters before transplanting it into a separate container.

To prevent young seedlings from freezing, they begin to be hardened 14 days before moving to a permanent place. An open window or taking it out onto the balcony is suitable for this purpose. At first, it is better to avoid direct rays and gusts of wind.

Planting zinnia seedlings in open ground

At the age of 30-45 days, the flower can be placed in the ground. Ideally, within a month you will be able to admire the beautiful blooms. The distance between plants is directly dependent on their variety. If they are tall, then leave up to 50 cm between them; if they are small, then 20 cm is enough.

There is a little trick that will help you get a lush bush. You just need to cut off the top when the zinnia is well rooted.

Planting zinnia seeds in open ground

Some gardeners, not wanting unnecessary fuss with seedlings, sow zinnia seeds immediately in a permanent place. In this case, they act when the threat of frost has passed. In most regions, zinnia seeds are planted in May.

Late sowing also leads to later flowering. You will have to admire the lush splendor of the garden beauty only starting from the second half of August.

If such deadlines do not frighten you, then the seeds are deepened into the ground 5 cm, and the distance is chosen based on the height of the future flower, usually indicated on the bag, where there are recommendations for row spacing.

When planting several grains in one hole, the same number of seedlings will appear, which should be carefully pulled out, leaving the strongest one. The resulting sprouts are also planted around the site.

  • This flower loves the sun and thrives in the shade, so the area for these flowers should always be in the sun and preferably protected from strong winds.
  • The soil selected is fertile, light, without stagnant water. This can be facilitated by adding sand to the soil.
  • For the first time after sowing or planting, zinnias are protected from the cold.
  • Flowering will amaze with its splendor if you use complex fertilizers. Any universal ones are suitable.
  • It is better to water flower beds in the evening. The water should not be cold, it is better if it has settled for a day.

Seed collection

Having identified the most beautiful bushes, you need to remove the side shoots, and when the caps fade, become dark and dry, they are cut off, dried and the seeds are selected.

For storage, select a dry and temperature-stable place, in a paper bag or ventilated box. Considering that the viability of zinnia seeds lasts up to 4 years, you won’t have to bother with annual harvesting.

If you follow these simple rules, the undemanding zinnia will bestow its magnificent beauty on everyone. It can be planted in combination with other annuals, but it will also look great as a single plant.

Zinnia is a beautiful flower, loved by many gardeners for its unpretentiousness, long and abundant flowering. Cut zinnia retains its charm and decorates bouquet arrangements for 14 days. This annual plant has a wealth of bright colors and helps to form landscape design and beautiful flower beds.

The increased sensitivity of zinnia to sub-zero temperatures allows you to admire the beauty of this flower only in the warm months. With the onset of cold weather, the flower dies. Perennial varieties grow only in warm countries.

Growing zinnia is a fairly easy and fun process. However, without taking into account certain features, it is impossible to see these flowers in all their glory. To ensure lush flowering, flowers that have already bloomed should be removed. Several new colors will appear in their place.

To grow zinnia successfully, you should remember important aspects:

  1. Landing site: it should be located on the sunny side and protected from the wind.
  2. Distance between planted flowers: Zinnias should not be planted too closely together. It is necessary to make a distance of 25-30 cm.
  3. Priming: the soil should be loose and do not cause moisture stagnation.
  4. Irrigation: Do not water zinnias too often. Frequent watering can lead to stagnation of moisture and the flower may become sick. During watering, water should not get on the inflorescences.
  5. Reproduction: zinnias die with the onset of cold weather. Their reproduction occurs through seeds.

How to collect seeds

To obtain large and healthy seeds, you do not need to cut off the flowers that bloom first. The likelihood that the first inflorescences were pollinated by bees is very high. They ripen and dry better directly on the stem under natural conditions.

For flowers left for seed, all side shoots should be cut off so that they grow strong.

The collection of zinnia seeds begins after the flower fades and the stems begin to dry out. After the flower fades a seed box is formed. The fact that the seeds are ripe is indicated by a change in the color of the inflorescence to brown.

In rainy weather, the inflorescences may not dry out, which will lead to rotting of the seeds. To avoid this, the inflorescences must be cut and dried at home.

The seeds in the box never fall off on their own. Ripe inflorescences with seeds neatly cut from the stem with sharp scissors and dry. The seeds are removed from the dried inflorescence by hand onto a sheet of paper.

Zinnia seeds can vary in size and shape. Large, healthy-looking ones should be selected for planting. The collected seeds are poured into a bag made of fabric and stored in a dry place.

Growing zinnia from seeds at home

In order to grow zinnias from collected seeds, use one of the following methods:

  1. Sowing collected seeds for seedlings at home.
  2. Sowing the collected seeds in open ground immediately to a permanent place.

Before sowing seeds, you should identify those that are viable and which ones are guaranteed not to sprout. For this the seeds are wrapped in gauze moistened with water, but it’s better to use a special solution from a flower shop that speeds up germination. After 2-3 days, viable seeds will begin to germinate. If the seeds were collected a long time ago, sprouts will begin to appear within a week.

Sowing for seedlings

The optimal time for sowing zinnia seeds for seedlings is in the end of April. This will avoid damage to the seedlings during transplantation and ensure good survival.

Sowing zinnia seeds for seedlings.

To sow zinnia seeds for seedlings, you can use separate deep dishes, in which 2-3 flowers are planted or deep drawers, in which a large number of flowers are planted. Having decided on the container for sowing seeds, you should remember that you do not need to fill it to the very brim. You should leave a reserve for later adding soil. In order for seedlings to grow well, it is necessary to carry out fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

In order to ensure good flowering of zinnia, it is necessary to do pinching seedlings. It is carried out after the formation of the third pair of leaves on the seedlings.

Young zinnia seedlings quickly form a root system and elongate strongly. In the container where the seedlings grow, it is necessary add soil, covering the stem. As a result of this, adventitious roots are formed on the sprinkled part of the stem, strengthening the seedlings.

Zinnia seedlings in a separate pot.

In order for seedlings to better adapt to climatic conditions, they must be hardened off by periodically exposing them to the street. Seeds are sown in the ground to a depth of 1 cm. After sowing the seeds, the dishes should be covered with plastic wrap to speed up seed germination.

Given the poor tolerance of cold temperatures, seedlings are planted at the end of May, after the ground has warmed up well. When planting zinnias, you should leave between them distance 25-30 cm. To transplant, the seedlings are carefully removed from the container along with the soil. Planting is done in a prepared and watered hole, then the soil is sprinkled and pressed down. The flowers will take root for a few days and then begin to grow quickly.

You can plant zinnias in a flowerbed according to the design you have created, selecting and combining colors.

Planting in open ground

Sowing seeds directly into a flower bed has its advantages. Flowers are initially exposed to temperature and adapt to it. They begin flowering much later than those planted with seedlings.

This sowing method is more convenient and less troublesome. Flowers grow healthier and stronger outdoors.

Sowing seeds in the garden.

When the danger of night frosts passes and warm weather sets in, the seeds can be planted in open ground. The place where the zinnias will grow should be good warm up by the sun and have good soil, does not cause stagnation of moisture.

Before planting, the soil should dig up, feed with fertilizers and clear of weeds. Seeds are planted in moist soil to a depth of 5 cm. If the earth has warmed up well, the zinnias will sprout in 7 days. Emerging seedlings should be covered in case of unexpected frosts.

Zinnia (Latin name - Zinnia)a genus of perennial and annual herbs and subshrubs of the Asteraceae family. The plant is named after the German doctor and botanist Johann Gottfried Zinn, and Southern Mexico is considered its homeland.

Did you know? The Aztecs cultivated zinnia as early as 1500, and it came to Europe in the 18th century and almost immediately became a favorite decoration for gardens and noble receptions. In the twentieth century, zinnia was already cultivated on all continents, and was even a symbol of one of the states of America - Indiana.

Sowing zinnia seeds in open ground

Zinnias, known by the usual name majors and in their diversity, are loved by many gardeners and lovers of ornamental plants. It is impossible to find a garden in which this crop does not grow. Zinnia does not require special care, and growing it from seeds is a very simple process that many gardeners enjoy. Growing zinnia is a fascinating process: the seeds are round and quite easy to work with. However, planting and caring for flowers still has certain features.

Time for sowing

Of course, if you want flowers to please you with their beauty as soon as possible, you need to choose the right method and determine the timing of planting. There are several ways to grow zinnia on your site:

  • sow seeds at home (seedling method);
  • sow the seeds outdoors (directly in the garden bed).
To the question “When to sow majors in open ground?” There is only one answer - after the severe cold has passed and there is no threat of night frosts. Usually this is the end of May or the beginning of June.

In order to determine which zinnia seeds are viable, before planting they are wrapped in gauze or a cloth soaked in epin. Fresh seeds hatch within a couple of days, but old ones may take a week.

Place for zinnias on the site

Since zinnia is a heat- and light-loving plant, its cultivation should be done in a place that is not shaded and abundantly illuminated by the sun.

Important! It is advisable to exclude drafts so that the wind does not damage the stems.

Loose fertile soil is suitable as soil, and before planting the area must be cleared of weeds. Due to the fact that zinnia reacts negatively to stagnant moisture in the soil, you can add a little sand or turf soil when planting. This way you will dilute the soil and prevent water stagnation.

Scheme of sowing seeds in a garden bed

Before directly planting seeds in open ground, the area should be covered with insulating synthetic fabric. This will create a greenhouse effect and slightly retain moisture in the soil.

You can plant zinnias in a flowerbed in any geometric pattern: in a circle, in a checkerboard pattern or along the perimeter. The main thing is to take into account the varieties so that the flowerbed looks harmonious.

The depth of the holes should be about 5 cm, and several seeds can be placed in one hole. The distance between the holes should be about 10 cm.

Important!If the time for planting is chosen correctly, the first shoots will appear within a week.

To grow full-fledged flowers, after germination the bushes should be thinned, leaving a distance of 30 cm between them, and for low-growing plants - 20 cm.

Sheltering the first zinnia shoots

To prevent possible frosts from damaging the seedlings, it is recommended to cover them with special material.

Basics of caring for majors

Caring for ascended zinnia does not depend on how the planting took place. The main thing is to provide the flowers with sufficient watering (at the root), fertilizing, regular loosening, weeding, as well as getting rid of pests and treatment. That is, there is a special agricultural technology for growing zinnia.

Did you know?The flower life is 35 days, and picked zinnias can last 2 weeks in a vase.

Pinching the top

Beginning gardeners often have the question “How to pinch zinnias and is it necessary to do this?” In order for the plant to bush, this procedure really needs to be carried out.

As soon as the flowers take root and grow, they need to pinch the crown, as a result of which the bushes will become more branched and lush. This is done over the third or fourth pair of leaves. However, if you want to grow elegant zinnias on long stalks, pinching is not necessary.

Watering and loosening the soil

When watering, zinnia requires a special approach because it does not tolerate excess moisture, which can cause root rot. Lack of moisture, in turn, will have little effect on the plant, since it is a drought-resistant species.

For majors, rare but abundant watering is suitable, the regime of which depends on the climatic conditions of the region in which they are grown.

Important!When watering, you must ensure that no water gets on the peduncle, as this can cause the flower to rot.

After rainy days, it is necessary to remove faded inflorescences so that flowering is more abundant and lasts longer.

Plant nutrition

The soil in the place where you plan to grow zinnia can be anything. However, the flower grows much better in fertile soils. The soil can be fertilized before directly sowing majors in open ground. To do this, dig up the area and add compost (humus, peat) at the rate of 8-10 kg per 1 m², thoroughly mixing and then loosening the soil.

You can use mineral fertilizers. In this case, per 1 m² you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium sulfate;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska.
During the flowering period, moyors must be fed before and at the beginning of budding. In this case, liquid fertilizers are used for flowering plants.

Collection and storage of seeds

Zinnia seeds ripen within two months after the start of flowering. Therefore, it is not surprising that many gardeners are interested in how to collect zinnia seeds themselves? First of all, you should wait until the seed pods are completely ripe and their color turns brown.

Important!Shoots of the first order have better seeds, so all side shoots must be removed from pre-selected specimens.

The boxes are carefully cut from the stem with sharp scissors and dried. Dry seeds are removed onto a piece of paper, which can then be used as an envelope for storage, and cleaned of dry flower residues. Should be stored in a dry place at a constant temperature. Seed germination lasts 3-4 years.

Forcing zinnia

Seeds are planted for seedlings in mid-April. The plant quickly gains height, therefore, if planted earlier, then by the time it is planted in the ground, zinnia may acquire buds, which can be damaged during transportation. In addition, an adult plant is less able to adapt to a new location.

For seedlings you need to take a large container (depth - at least 10 cm) and since the seedlings will be large, they are placed in the ground at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, the sowing depth is no more than 1 cm. The ground must be well moistened and covered with film .

After 3-4 days, shoots will appear and the film can be removed. Do not overwater the zinnias - the soil should be slightly moist and The optimal temperature for zinnia germination is +22+24 ºC. After the plants grow to 10 cm, they need to be planted in separate pots. In order for the root system to branch well, the main root is pinched 1-2 cm. 2 weeks before planting in the ground, you need to start “walking” the plant, taking it out to the balcony in warm weather. This way the sprouts will harden and become stronger.

It is impossible not to fall in love with zinnia at first sight. When the flower opens, it appears as a colorful ball with many petals.

Variety of varieties

There are many varieties of zinnia. There are tall plants here, the stems of which reach 1 meter into the air. These giants look great both in single and group plantings. In the latter case, they are placed in the middle of the flowerbed, framed with border flowers.

Breeders have bred dwarf plants that do not exceed 20 cm in height. These look great along paths, gracefully bordering a lawn or flower bed.

The color range of zinnias is varied. It can be white, yellow, red, pink, orange, and there are even variegated ones.

The inflorescences of these charming creatures can be pompom, dahlia, cactus, chrysanthemum-flowered, fancy, gaillardia-flowered.

To be able to admire it every year in your suburban area, it is not necessary to buy zinnia seeds. Experienced gardeners know how to collect seeds, but beginners will quickly master this simple science. Then you can breed your favorite varieties.

Seed collection time

Even while the buds are blooming, you need to notice those bushes that you like the most. Place marker sticks near them. Leave no more than 5-6 inflorescences on one plant, which will be the mother plant. Then they will grow quite large and produce excellent seeds.

At least two months must pass from the moment of budding to the ripening of the seeds. Therefore, here’s what else is important to know about zinnias: how to collect seeds and when should it be done?

Since these flowers do not tolerate autumn frosts, it is important to have time to collect flower seeds. Zinnia should not be caught by the first frost. If in your region autumn night frosts, when the temperature drops below -1 °C, can occur in mid-September, then the buds you like should bloom no later than mid-July.

Another important condition that will help to obtain high-quality material is planting plants with light flowers separately from bright ones. Thus, buds of white and yellow color, being in the vicinity of crimson and red ones, can be cross-pollinated. The result will be a plant that will have red dots on its light-colored flowers. The seeds will produce zinnias of a completely different color next year. How to collect seeds so that they are well stored until next spring is another question that should be resolved at the beginning of autumn. They must be collected in dry, clear weather. This must be done during the day, since there is heavy dew in the morning and evening hours at this time of year.

Zinnias: how to collect the seeds of these plants?

After choosing the optimal day for collecting seeds, you need to carefully examine the flower head. It should consist of dried scales, these are zinnia seeds. You can see what they look like in the photographs. The seeds are dark oval scales 3-5 mm long, pointed on one side.

Will clearly show how to collect zinnia seeds, photo. It is important not to confuse them with dried petals. Take it step by step. First, cut off the dried flower head with pruning shears. Place it on a piece of cellophane or light paper. Carefully remove the faded petals; underneath you will find flower seeds. Zinnia must be well ripened. If its head is not dry enough, cut it off, place it on paper and dry it at room temperature. If possible, then at +35 °C. After this, collect the seeds using the method described above.

How to collect seeds from which double flowers will grow?

Plants with double inflorescences will not always appear from the collected seeds. To increase the chance of producing a fluffy flower, collect only those seeds that are located closer to the edge of the bud head. Pay attention to what the seeds look like. If they are brown in color and have a notch in the upper part, then next year a flower with petals like a chamomile will grow from them. There is a high probability of the appearance of terry seeds from longer, darker and pointed downward seeds. It is very high in long, triangular, awl-shaped, gray seeds.

Place the collected seeds in small paper bags and label the variety. They can be stored at room temperature in a cool place for 3-4 years. After this time they will lose their germination capacity.